Wednesday, January 29, 2014

If there is one thing you can give to the Philippines what is that gift?

                              The moment I read this question, my mind was just blank, I just stared, thinking I can respond as fast as the falling star, but seconds, minutes and hours had passed but still I couldn’t think of an answer. What gift will it be? Is it because I was preoccupied with many what ifs? Or there are a lot of options and I’m thinking of the major concerns the Philippines needed?
                                In giving gifts, if you really love someone, you will not just give something, but you will give something that can be treasured. Then questions crossed my mind, does the Philippines need it? Is it possible? Can I afford it? Finally after fifteen days of contemplating, I have my answer. Aside from service, I have great idea, to give proper waste disposal. To solve this problem, I’m thinking of a digital trash bin designed like a basketball. Since Filipinos love games especially basketball it will serve not just a simple trash bin, but it will educate and teach our countrymen, how to have proper waste disposal. There is a biodegradable and non biodegradable section. If you shoot it to the right bin you get three points but if you shoot it to the wrong bin you get a sad face. There is penalty, since it has emergency signal.  People can hear the siren, so the guard on duty on that area where it’s placed can hear it.  It can be placed on any establishment, a barangay for example.   You will not be able to run since there will be   CCTV footage attached on that digital trash bin. The penalty is, you will segregate waste from biodegradable to non biodegradable the whole day on that area. If not  you will pay charges, since anti-littering is already a law.  In that case even children will learn how to throw the garbage correctly, because no one is above the law. Since it is a big project it can give jobs to our fellowmen by employing them as production staff in creating the digital basketball trash bin. I think this is the best gift I can give to the Philippines.
                         Last year, as I joined the world of outbound educators and I was able to travel, I saw the real beauty and weaknesses of the Philippine islands. I observed tourist, even local tourist was awestruck with that beauty and even climbed the tallest mountain and swam the deepest sea only to explore and appreciate that beauty but sad to say, they leave trash, just like that.  They throw candy wrappers.  You can say that it is just a small plastic but if all of you dump it to mountains, to the sea, rivers and on your way to your destination what will happen? Instead of beautiful mountain five years from now it will become mountain of garbage and a sea of garbage. If you love our country and our environment we will take care of it and preserve it.  In those places there are no janitors who will clean the waste that you made, because it is an isolated place. Even if there is someone who will clean it, wouldn't you feel guilty? You don’t know how to clean, but you are dumping waste everywhere?
                      Once, I had the chance to join the clean up drive, for the river at Bataan. We gather sacks of garbage, even though it is just a very little portion of garbage around the area. According to locals, that trash came from as far as Manila Bay and every flood came in, it brought them tidal waves of garbage.
                   Like the principle of ecology “Everything is connected to everything else. Everything must go somewhere. Nature knows best. Ours is a finite planet. All forms of life are important.” Let it not remained as ecology’s principle but make it our own principle. Let us aspire to have a clean environment and it will start within us. Like a basketball team let us work as a team. Together we can make it.

                    Now it's your turn if there is one thing you can give to the Philippines what is that gift?

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